Trust the process is a new feature we started to take you through the creative process of some of the dopest creatives we know. First up is StringZ With A Z. StringZ With A Z is some dope new artwork created by none other than Zinzabell from StringZ With A Z combines a new style of art with some dope old materials that consist of strings made from yarn, pins well we'll just let her explain the process herself. Enjoy!
Q: Explain to us your inspiration for staring StringZ With A Z?
Zinzabell: I wanted to find inexpensive things that I could do during this quarantine to be creative. So I did the string thing and was like ohh I can do cool things. I like characters, so I was like let me try to do things that look cool and with strings. Incorporating the stuff that I like in a unique way and it's different because if you see it somewhere else, you'll know where it started from. It's also using your hands so its more so something you can do for your mental, to relieve stress.
Explain to us your creative process? What do you start with first?
Zinzabell: I find the stencil so like something cool, right now I was trying to do Cookie Monster. Especially now that I'm starting I just want to practice different techniques with the strings to see what I can do, what designs come.
Once you find the stencil that's when you start pinning, you can nail it, pin it depending on what you have. This is all from the dollar store, I literally was like ok until I get actual wood or I can go to home depot.
Zinzabell: I use canvas, that one is made from foam to see what works I've been trying different pins, just testing different things. That's why that black pin is different from the blues and the whites, just testing different things.

What's the goal for Stringz With A Z?
Zinzabell: I want to do bigger projects, I want to be able to go on big buildings. My goal is to literally have something big, a big frame covered in glass that would say HOPE or LOVE, Black Girls Rock! Imagine all that in strings it would just be lit! These are cute things I can give to my friends and family so they can hang it up.
Last but not least does Stringz with Z do custom work and commissioned pieces and if so where can we purchase your artwork?
Zinzabell: Yes of course they're for sale, custom pieces check out our instagram to see what you like. I have pieces available now. The instagram is @StringzWithAZ check it out!
Well thank you for taking us through your process, do you have any advice for our readers?
Zinzabell: Its really the thought that counts and goes into it, anything you do just have fun with it.